North America and Europe have long focused on using energy efficient windows and, in those regions, uPVC window frames with double or triple glazing are the most popular choice. In Australia, we have traditionally used timber frames which can require high maintenance or aluminium window frames which are lower maintenance than timber but poor thermal insulators.
Now there’s a new choice here for energy efficient and low maintenance windows: double-glazed uPVC windows. |
The excellent insulating properties of uPVC windows make them an ideal high performance and durable alternative to timber or aluminium window frames.
Don't forget to follow our uPVC Windows Alliance Instagram page to keep up to date with some of the most innovative projects involving uPVC windows from our members around Australia! |
Replacing older windows with high efficiency uPVC windows can reduce
greenhouse gas emissions by more than 1 tonne a year.
Rising energy costs and growing concerns about greenhouse gas emissions are leading to an increased focus on improving the energy efficiency of our homes and buildings. In cooler weather, forty percent of a building's heating can be lost through glazing while in summer the transfer of heat from outside to in through windows leads to the need to air-condition homes and buildings.
The uPVC Windows Alliance has developed an Industry Code of Practice (ICP) accreditation for uPVC window and door profiles used in Australia. The ICP provides confidence to consumers on the UV resistance and durability of profiles in the harsh Australian climate. Profiles must meet specific composition, weathering resistance, colour and strength requirements over a two-year physical testing period to achieve accreditation. Find out more about the ICP accreditation scheme including how to apply, or view currently accredited companies and profiles by clicking here. |